Nov 23, 2008

Hoping in The Truth

I have been pondering how grateful I am to have hope...a hope that is grounded in Truth. Recently the Lord has opened up an opportunity for me to share the Truth found in Scripture with a co-worker. It has been VERY exciting to see the Holy Spirit open her heart to the truth of Scripture and to begin to open her eyes to the One who gives us true hope and an everlasting joy. These converstaitons have caused me to be so thankful for a faith that is rooted in a truth which penetrates to the soul and changes a heart of stone to a heart of clay that the Potter can mold into His masterpiece.

It is so encouraging, challenging, and convicting to be asked questions about my worldview, and why I believe in this Biblical worldview. The Lord is using this relationship to sharpen me into greater likeness of Christ as I am forced to study Scripture and to know the Truth in such a way as to affectively articulate it. Ohh, I have so much to learn- Lord have mercy and pour out Your grace on this feeble, weak mind!
Here are a few of the questions I've been asked and I'd encourage you to study and think through Biblical answers to respond with:
1. What is sin and where did it come from?
2. Why did God allow for sin to enter into the world?
3. How do you explain why there is a need for The Trinity when it is actually all One Being? What are the roles of each part of the trinity?
4. How do I know if I am sinning?
5. How do I know if the Bible is the only truth?

Quite the questions to wade your way through... and this is just the tip of the iceberg!

Yet, I am rejoicing in the knowledge that the Lord Almighty is the one who chooses to open the eyes of His children to His truth, and in response I must spend my days all the more on my knees pleading for His grace to come to change me... and to change her.

Continuing to hope in the One Truth.

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