Jan 6, 2009

The Lord's Strength to Provide all my Strength

Being pregnant is a joy beyond expression. Carey and I feel very privileged to be parents of baby Mac. During these first weeks of 'adjustment' taking place inside my body, I am once again reminded of the need for the Lord's strength and grace in my life. Scripture explicitly informs us that we, feeble humans, can do nothing by our own strength. And oh, I am finding more and more truth in this! However, the Lord Jesus Christ is faithful and He has sovereignly not left us alone to wallow in our own depravity. Unfortunately and to our significant loss, too often we do not seek the Lord's strength in the midst of our weakness. Therefore, must never cease pleading with the Holy Spirit for Christ glorification in our lives. We need Christ's strength alone in order to rightly reflect Christ's character. Another reminder that He is the beginning and the end! Yet, I have realized, my vigorous effort is still required, but it is only effective with the assistance of my Helper, the Holy Spirit.

Thank you Lord for providing for my weary, weak soul. You alone give me ultimate strength and joy through Jesus Christ my Saviour.

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