It's been a long day as I've strove to fulfill the role of 'mother'. And, as many of you know, during this season of life it is not only to my daughter but also to my niece and nephew as their own mother rests in the hospital on bed-rest with her third child. Which I must say, we love you and miss you Sharon!
Throughout these past few months while providing extra care for these children I have been reminded of the depths of forgiveness, patience, and grace the Lord bestows on me. Wow.
Tonight the quiet living room, warmth from a blanket, freshly popped popcorn, and a good book makes this momma thankful. The value of God's glory is infinitely beautiful, and ashamedly I too often mock His very glory with a foul attitude, an unforgiving spirit, or a jealous want.
This caused me to stop and thank the Lord...thank Him for His saving grace in my life, a sinner, a mother is DAILY in need of forgiveness and transformation of heart so that I can better love and display the gospel of Christ to these children.
I stopped my reading to reflect on these thoughts (and much more, but it's late and I need to go to bed!) when I read,
"The damage to God's glory by our sin is determined not by the severity of our sin but by the value of God's glory." Jerry Bridges, Respectable Sins
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