Jun 29, 2011

Niyah's New Bed 6.29.11

Niyah has been doing great in her new bed. We finished setting up the bottom bunk for her and so far she is loving her new place to sleep! We have had a couple nights of some funny late night check-ins on her before Carey and I go to bed. So far it's been as follows; 1 night=head off the end of the mattress, 2 nights=pj's off and curled up on end of bed with no covers.
She turns two next week, so it has been fun to talk to her about how big she is and that means she gets a "Big Girl Bed"! And we also have used the "big girl/big sister" phrase to help remove her pacifier habit at nighttime and nap. No more paci for Niyah because, after all, she really is a big girl now. :)

1 comment:

aejames said...

Love the Shabby Chic bedding! Noelle has been taking her jammies off at night too. Little hot bodies! Yay for no more paci...good girl!