Jan 18, 2012

Loving the unloveable

The reality is that you only love God because loved you first. He loved you before you were born and chose you for himself. His love for you secured your salvation, and because you have experienced his life-redeeming love you love him in return. But for love to continue and grow, and for you to love the unlovable, it is important that you meditate on the gospel. Get this--you only know what love really is by looking to your Savior. And we learn it from him continually, not just once. You must daily go to the cross sand see your Savior's love for the unlovable (that means you)...And when you see the Holy One's sacrificial love for you, you not only see what love looks like, but also you find strength and power to love like him.
Joe Thorn: Note to self, the discipline of preaching to yourself

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