Feb 17, 2009

Embrace Correction

Proverbs 15: 31-33
"He who listens to a life-living rebuke, will be at home among the wise.
He who ignores discipline despises himself, but whoever heeds correction gains understanding.
The fear of the LORD teaches a man wisdom and humility before honor."

I am learning that sanctification is a blessings that can be experienced through a 'life-giving rebuke'. I read this verse with my husband, and I've now chosen to commit it to memory as I am in need of becoming a woman, wife, and mother who embraces correction. Several times in the past week I have been brought back to these convictingly rich verses. The Lord has used them as a reminder for me to be a woman who humbly listens and faithfully heeds correction.

It takes both discernment on behave of the one being 'rebuked and corrected' as well as, the one providing the rebuke or confrontation of sin. My husband and I are getting more and more practice with this, and it is good for both of us! When correction is given out of a pure heart, the fruit is truly life-giving and a process of deeper sanctification is harvested.

So, although it's hard to confront sin in the ones we love most, I am thankful for my husband who is a man who cares more about my soul then personal comforts and beats down the sin that exposes it's nasty little head in my life. I pray you too have someone in your life that is willing to expose sin, for in this we are brought into greater realities of the cross and Christ's redeeming power as we seek repentance and receive His mercy and grace of forgivness.

To 'sit among the wise', we must 'listen to life-giving rebuke'. I pray I would be a woman who is known to sit among the wise, rather than the voices of fools. If God says this is a way to get there...

Then I'm in. Thank you for being my watchman Carey!

1 comment:

Mrs. Josh McPherson said...

Very wise words sister...
miss you.