Thus, when human beings sin they become liable to the wrath of God and to eternal punishment, "The wages of sin is death" Romans 6:23. Therefore God's perfect justice requires one thing of sinners--that they be eternally separated from His holiness; From God Himself.
Cut off from anything good, receiving only His righteous wrath.
So the question is, why was Adam and Eve spared from immediate death? Why are any past and present day sinners spared from God's immediate wrath? How can this be possible knowing the essence of God's character? Even more so, how can God continue to give blessings to sinners who deserve only death when he knows they will never ultimately be saved through coming to know His Son Jesus Christ?
The answer: God bestows common grace.
"Common grace is the grace of God by which He gives people innumerable blessings that are not part of salvation. The word 'common' here means something that is common to all people and is not restricted to believers or to the elect only."
So why is this mother thankful for common grace today? It is because I can see the Lord's gracious goodness poured out on my daughter in these specific ways:
She awakes with breath in her lungs... each day the sun sets and rises to shine down upon her innocent-pale face...The soft rain shower upon the land to bring her nutrients in the days to come(Matt. 5:44)...She has been given the ability and opportunity to think, create, learn, communicate, and imagine...And most significantly of all, she has been born into a home that will teach her the good news of Jesus Christ... She has been given parents who pray ultimately for her to receive saving grace.
In Niyah Joy's short lifetime, she has already experienced innumerable amounts of God's common grace. As her mother, I know this common grace poured out will not save her sinfilled soul. But I can, and will, rejoice in the hope of a sovereign God who has born this child into a family who will earnestly plead with God to awaken her spirit, unveil her scaled eyes, and soften her heart of stone to the truth of Christ and the redemption found in Him.
There is joy abundant, peace immeserable, hope everlasting knowing, if it the Lord's will, Niyah Joy will one day call upon the name of the Lord...
"Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:13
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