Apr 6, 2011

AmAzInG Teaching 4.5.11

Last weekend we had Pastor Jeff Vanderstelt of SOMA come and teach on how to become fluent in the Gospel (filtering every aspect of every day through a gospel/biblical lens) and how to live on mission with the Gospel to call others to repentance and belief in Christ. I was challenged, changed, blessed, and inspired. God is so gracious to me, a sinner, and I look forward to see more areas of my life changed with the knowledge of the gospel of Jesus Christ in the days/years ahead! I am so thankful I am not saved only upon my conversion, but also that I am being saved everyday, and I will be saved in the Final Day of Christ return. "In other words, in Christ we have been saved from the penalty of sin, we are being saved from it's affect on us, and we will be saved from it's eternal consequences because of God's power, no our own." Soma Communities

Here are some key points from the weekend that I wrote down and would like to share with you:
* Every Christian is empowered to do gospel ministry. My job is to grow up in Christ so that the church can grow up in Christ.
*Have I learned how to take very thought and action submitted to Christ Jesus in result of the gospel? How has the gospel affected every aspect of my life? Or has it?
*We are not only saved from death by the gospel of Jesus Christ, but also we are saved for something. Namely to spread the good news by living on mission.
*No one will want to grow-up in gospel fluency unless you have to or need to. We must live on mission to be brought back to our need for Christ in all things.
*We live our life under the dominate story we believe. This story will inform our daily decisions. Is your dominate story the eternal story of the Bible?
* Until the gospel story is known in your heart the 'false' story will 'seem' bigger and influence your life more than the true story for all creation.
*I believe that I have been given a new identity in Christ because of the gospel. I am now a part of God's family of missionary servants sent to make disciples who make disciples.
*I am more broken and sinful than I ever dared believe, and at the same time more loved and accepted than I ever dared hope, because of Jesus.

Here is the link to the sermon that I would encourage you all to listen to if you haven't already! Such rich truths in living the life God has called us to. Listen, learn, and be blessed.

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